Children’s centre teams have put together their first borough-wide newsletter which has been created to give you some ideas for home activities you can do with under 5s over the Easter bank holiday. Staff have also collected a huge compilation, organised by age suitability for you to do at home with your children to keep them busy. These include story and rhyme sessions with some familiar children’s centre faces!
Children’s centre staff are here to help
All Lambeth children’s centre buildings are closed until further notice. However, staff can still provide advice to families of young children aged 0-4 in Lambeth by phone. Call 020 7926 2369 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. (Please don’t use this number in an emergency- call 999 if someone’s life is at immediate risk. They can offer:
- Someone to talk to about any concerns you have
- Home based activities for your young children
- Support with parenting
- Support with feeding your baby
- Support with feeding your family
- Support and signposting if you are concerned about your children’s health or development
- Support with managing your money
- Support if you are at risk of homelessness
- Support with finding employment
- Support with your co-parenting relationship
- And they will make referrals on your behalf to other agencies if needed.
What will happen when I ask for support?
A member of the team will ask you for a few details. This will make sure your request is passed on to the best person to call you back. We will try to help you as quickly as possible but may not be able to respond the same day.
How can I find out more about help for families during the Covid 19 pandemic?
- Please visit www.lambeth.gov.uk/coronavirus-cyp for details of council services and support, including a range of home based activities and online resources for you and your children. These will be updated on a regular basis.
- You can also contact Lambeth Families Information Service on 020 7926 9558 Monday to Friday from 9 to 5pm fis@lambeth.gov.uk or search for activities and support for families on the Families Information Directory at www.lambeth.gov.uk/fis-directory
- Read our essential guide to the coronavirus for children and young people
- The Lambeth Educational Psychology Service has put together some advice and guidance for parents and carers about how to support the wellbeing and learning of children during the coronavirus outbreak.