With funding from Lambeth Council, Roots and Shoots have transformed 430 square metres of grass into a Bee Road in 2024.
The area on Lambeth Walk Doorstep Green, where Fitzalan St and Lambeth Road meet, was first mowed, and litter picked (getting rid of sharps linked to the site’s history).
In March, Special Needs school students sowed meadow seed at a “dancing seed disco” and GLA volunteers mowed and dug up grass in the final area of the meadow, where machinery could not reach.
In April, corporate volunteers planted native hedgerow whips including elm, provided by the Woodland Trust.
With a wet, grey spring and summer, the new meadow was not as flower-dense as hoped but the weather helped establish the native hedgerow along the border with Vanguard school.
Volunteers from different Government Departments came along to water, weed and help clear the meadow in the summer. Bank volunteers cut and cleared the meadow for Autumn development, including adding strewings to compost down at the base of the hedgerow.
A second round of preparation in autumn – including the strewings of ancient meadows (full of rare native species) donated by the world-renowned garden nature reserve at Great Dixter, new annual seed, and a large amount of yellow rattle to further weaken the grass. Finally, in collaboration with nature skills charity Earthed, we planted over 1.000 native spring bulbs, for early colour and nectar for pollinators.
Plans for the new year
For 2025, Roots and Shoots will continue to maintain and enrich the area with the help of volunteers – planting pollinator-friendly plug plants in spring – foxgloves, fennel, wild carrot, cornflowers, mullein, ragwort, salvia; watering, weeding and strimming path when necessary; and adding new temporary signs explaining area management for the community.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Rezina Chowdhury, Deputy Leader of Lambeth Council, said: We are delighted to see this new Bee Road created and sustained in partnership with local community groups, businesses and residents, adding to Lambeth’s vital network of pollinator-friendly spaces on people’s doorsteps.”
More information
Roots and Shoots, Walnut Tree Walk, Kennington, London, SE11 6DN 0207 587 1131 www.rootsandshoots.org.uk contact: office@rootsandshoots.or
More about Lambeth Bee Roads
As part of its Climate Action Plan, the council is committed to managing 30% of public open spaces and waterways for wildlife by 2030.
Lambeth Bee Roads are corridors along our roads and highways which provide food, shelter and habitat for wildlife. https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/parks-sports-leisure/parks/lambeth-bee-roads