Our main scheme is ‘Film2Learn2Earn’, offering young people skills and training to get employment in the film and media industry, with mentoring and interview skills. It’s not something a lot of people from disadvantaged backgrounds have access to because a lot of getting anywhere in the film industry is “who you know” and courses can easily cost £9000 a year.
Live filming
We give them hands on, immersive access to state-of-the-art film equipment – being trusted with something like that gives a huge boost to their self-confidence. We get them out doing live filming straight away, recording Vox Pops on the South Bank.
Film crew
Then, they form into crews who agree on a film project. Some people already know exactly what role they want – director, costumes, camera, actor. Others try everything and have a nice surprise when they find out what they’re good at.
Inspirational figures
Every week we have an inspirational speaker- a film professional who’ll talk about what it’s like to earn a living loving what they do. We’ve had scriptwriters, producers, a lighting guy from Panalux. The most work-ready students are straight on to it saying ‘would you look at my script?’ ‘Let me email you my film’.
Work experience
We work with Film Fixers at Lambeth Film Office who manage locations for large feature films such as Spectre and Phantom Thread, so our students get hands-on paid experience of live action etiquette on location when marshalling for film and TV in South London. And we have two pro tutors who work on music videos, adverts and short films for charities, so the students also get real-time experience as paid assistants on live projects.
Accredited courses
Our courses can be either 24 weeks or 12 depending what funding’s available. The Walcot foundation have really invested in us. If it’s a 12 week course it’s more intensive so they commit to 2 days every week. We’re planning to work again with Tree Shepherd to make sure everyone gets an accreditation for employment as well as for technical skills out of the courses.
For more information
We do many other kinds of community cohesion events, including a new one for isolated elders based at Lambeth Walk, and all kinds of other creative events, such as batik, pottery. mosaics, jewellery making. We want people to look at our ‘what we’ve done’ pages then come and talk to us to find out more and book us up for 2017 and 2018!
You can see the Buzzy Bees film made by young people on China Walk and Briant Estate on the Creative Sparkworks news page and pictures of recent and past projects on What We Do and Projects: you can also contact us if you’re interested in one of the courses.
For information about the Lambeth Film Office see the Lambeth Film Office website.