Lambeth Council wants to make Lambeth a better place to live, work, learn and do business and I know that you do too. One of the ways we’re doing this is by funding new community projects and initiatives which match the priorities identified in the Co-operative Local Investment Plans (CLIPs). The funds come from the levy that developers pay when they build new homes, offices and shops in the borough. Our partnership with Crowdfunder is a guarantee that our resources are supporting projects that come directly from the community. Projects that people invest their own money, time, and energy in have a solid foundation for sustainability.
Crowdfunder event
A great mix of people from the community came to our event at the Town Hall. Guest speakers were:
- Crowdfunder UK.
- Rebecca Trevalayn from Library of Things, a crowdfunded Lambeth “lending library” where local people borrow DIY tools, gardening equipment, camping gear and much more.
- Abigail Melville from We Rise – another Lambeth Crowdfunded project, offering disadvantaged Brixton 17-year olds inspirational work experience that can transform their lives.
- Paul Simpson from Lambeth Council whose team are leading on the Crowdfund Lambeth platform.
Crowdfund Lambeth is now ‘live’
We’re up and running if you want to apply for funds or find out more. Your project may be eligible for up to 25% or £1,250 of your funding target.
More sessions
We plan extra introductory sessions over the next few weeks and will keep you posted on when these will happen. We will also talk about accessing the match funding available via Crowdfunder.
For more information
- Crowdfunder is a community of over 600,000 people funding the change they want to see – business ideas, charities, community groups, sports clubs and much more,with people empowered to turn ideas into reality. For more about Crowdfund Lambeth.
- If you have any questions about crowdfunding in Lambeth please email our Engagement and Consultation Team at crowdfunding@lambeth.gov.uk.
- For more information about CLIPS email clips@lambeth.gov.uk.
Examples of successful Lambeth crowdfunded projects
For just a few, see these information pages:
- We rise – changing lives for young employees
- Library of Things West Norwood
- Gypsy Hill Brewery – Community Tap Room
- Yr 2 Beach Trip