Building on the work of the Equality Commission implementation, Lambeth Council is holding a large disability-themed engagement event on the afternoon of 27 June for for disabled residents, carers and organisations working with disabled people throughout Lambeth.
How the council is addressing the Equality Commission’s recommendations
The aim of the event is to focus on how the council can address Equality Commission recommendations around:
- Awareness and understanding of disability
- Participation and representation of disabled people
- How services are delivered for disabled people
- Equality of opportunity for disabled people
- Underrepresentation of disabled people in leadership.
Join workshops and share information
The event will also
- Update you on the work the council is doing to address barriers facing disabled residents and staff
- Give you a chance to speak directly to council staff working in areas we know are important to disabled people
- You’ll hear from leaders within the council and external partners and be able to contribute your views in themed workshops. These will be themed by areas identified by the Equality Commission as being important to disabled people.
- There will also be a range of information stalls on the day for you to visit, as well as the chance to network with stakeholders from across the borough!
Book now for free entry
- The event is open to disabled residents, carers and organisations working with disabled people throughout Lambeth. Booking is free via Eventbrite
- The Assemby Hall in Lambeth Town Hall is fully accessible, please see the Disabled Go information pages for details
For more information
- For more on the Equality Commission, see their information pages
- Read or download a copy of the March 2018 Equality Commission report to Lambeth Council’s Cabinet