Orsetta says, “I try to fix everything that is broken before replacing it, and when I see abandoned objects on the street that are still usable I take them home, clean them and then either give them to a charity shop or free-cycle them if I don’t need them.
People throw so much stuff away thinking it is unusable, but even these items can become something useful. I have created great shopping bags out of broken umbrellas and even made earrings from discarded packaging.”
Orsetta also helps other people do the same by volunteering with The Restart Project.
Would you like help to fix an electrical item?
The Restart Project is a London-based charity aimed at helping people to increase the lifespan of their electronics and electrical equipment, and so reduce the amount of electronics being thrown out.
They hold monthly Restart Party events in the Brixton area. Volunteers experienced with electronics help others learn to repair and perform maintenance to their broken or slow devices.
The next Restart Party is being held at 6pm on Wednesday 30 April, in Southwyck House Community Hall. For more information please see their website www.therestartproject.org
Ways to dispose of unwanted items responsibly
There are lots of ways items can be recycled or reused in Lambeth. Charities such as the London Reuse Network can collect unwanted furniture, appliances and household items.
Smaller items can also be placed in the many street collection banks situated throughout the borough, many shops also have collection points.
Items that cannot be repaired or reused, and will not fit in your regular rubbish or recycling bag, must be disposed of responsibly. You can take items to your local council reuse and recycling centre or arrange a bulky waste collection.