Do The Right Thing – Valcie’s story

1 April 2014

Written by: Campaigns Team

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As part of the Do The Right Thing campaign, we met Valcie, a Lambeth resident and grandmother who is very committed to improving her local area and helping people feel proud of where they live.

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Do The Right Thing – Valcie’s story

Valcie first contacted Lambeth Council after seeing the improvements in another street and the impact they had on the local community. She wanted to find out how her street could get a clean-up and was directed to the Community Freshview team, who help residents join forces with the council to makeover their local area.

Community Freshview

Valcie says, “I organised a Community Freshview, the council gave us a big skip to put unwanted items in and we built planters at the end of the road. There’s so much we can all do to make a difference. Lambeth gives a lot to the community and it doesn’t take much to give something back.”
After the Community Freshview, Valcie was really pleased with the difference it made. Her street now feels safer and the amount of litter has decreased.

Other ways to make a difference

Valcie has now been inspired to get even more involved in her area. She says, ““I’ve got involved at the local school providing a weekly nature class and looking after the school garden, I’m also Chair of our residents’ association and last year was nominated as a Community Champion.  I’ve now decided to volunteer as a Snow Warden too. I love meeting people and everyone knows who I am in my local neighbourhood.”

Find out more

Contact the Community Freshview team on 020 7926 0524,
or go to the Community Freshview webpage.