Lambeth Wellbeing Fund is supporting a new Community drama project for men aged 50+ who live in Lambeth.
New play
Join Arts Development Practitioner/Consultant/Trainer Tony Cealy to create and perform a new play for Mental Health awareness week 13 -17 May. The project will be created in just 10 weeks through meetings every Tuesday from March 5 in Brixton Road Youth Club.
Wellbeing and confidence
Tony says: “The project brings older men together to increase wellbeing and confidence. We want them to make new friends whilst having fun and being creative!
Stigma and health
“We’ll create an interactive drama that highlights stigma and mental health. Participants will develop skills in performing arts, research, interviewing, facilitating, devising and rehearsing. The project uses improvisation and storytelling to alleviate anxiety, depression and stress. It will also act as a catalyst to promote health and wellbeing and strengthen skills and local knowledge.
Isolation and stress
“Brixton is Lambeth’s most deprived town centre. From my experience living and working in Vassall and Coldharbour wards, and talking to local older people, I understand there are high levels of dementia and issues of isolation and stress.
Supported network
“This drama project in a supported network will help participants feel part of a community. It will create connections within the community, reducing isolation and strengthening people’s self esteem and confidence to manage their own health and well being, which can enable them to avoid a crisis.
Search for transformation
“I’ve been using this type of theatrical process for nearly three decades -= with local residents with concerns about housing, with schools to identify alternative ways of behaving and with the Windrush generation to identify solutions to the hostile environment. Essentially, I use participatory techniques to involve the audience in the search for transformation.”
Joining the project
- No writing or acting experience necessary – but Commitment and sensitivity are essential. It’s free to Lambeth men aged 50+, places are limited.
- Tony believes men who join the project will find the weekly workshops memorable, fun and rewarding, in a playful environment with refreshments supplied.
- To apply, contact Tony at tctonycealy@gmail.com or on 07956 877358
- For more information about Tony and other theatre projects he is involved in, see his information pages
- For more about Lambeth Wellbeing Fund see their information pages