Taking part in Dry January is a chance to ditch the hangover, reduce the waistline, and save some serious money by giving up alcohol for 31 days.
There are loads of reasons for taking part, here are just a few:
- Reset your relationship with alcohol – realise you don’t need it
- New year, new you – do Dry January and feel healthier and happier as:
- you sleep better
- your skin improves
- you lose weight
- More money in your pocket (the average person spends £50,000 on booze in their lifetime)
- Get healthier – through giving up alcohol for a month you do your insides a lot of good.
- Amazing sense of achievement!
Want more reasons?
Read the published paper on Voluntary Temporary Abstinence From Alcohol During “Dry January” and Subsequent Alcohol Use.
Why should I sign up?
People who sign up are more likely to stay dry for the whole month. That’s because when you sign up you:
- Get access to our free app, which helps you keep track of your month with features like a calorie calculator, unit tracker and tool to show how much you’ve saved.
- Receive regular support emails with tips, tricks and information from experts in alcohol to make your month easier and more fun.
- Have help on hand: if you’re struggling, we’ll support you.
Download the free app …
and enjoy a progress calendar, money and calories saved trackers, and support if you need it for January and beyond.
Read more about why doing Dry January is a good idea
(on the Dry January website).
What is Dry January?
Dry January is the annual movement through which millions of people give up alcohol for the month of January.
Doing Dry January:
- Enables you to take control of your relationship with alcohol.
- Drives a conversation about alcohol: why do we drink it, what does it do, and how can we reduce the harm it can cause?
Alcohol Concern brings together an amazing network of individuals and organisations, including partner charities who work on issues associated with alcohol. Together, we will reduce the harm caused by alcohol.