‘Dying Matters’ is an introduction to Lambeth’s new Advance Care Planning Consortium which promotes ways to record your wishes about end of life care, with a chance to share thoughts about death and dying in a choice of workshops. Thursday 14 June 2018, 5pm-6pm
Join us
Join us at this informal session to find out about ways to record how you would like to be cared for at the end of life, or if you could no longer express or make your own decisions – for example if someone was unconscious after a traffic accident.
Planning ahead
Thinking ahead and recording what is important to you helps to make sure that family, friends and professionals can understand what you want and respect your care and treatment wishes. This can give you and your loved ones peace of mind so that you can get on with enjoying life.
At this session, you’ll be able to learn more about advance care planning, meet some end of life care services, hear about the consortium’s work so far and take part in a choice of three half-hour workshops:
- A mini Death Café – an opportunity to chat about any aspect of death you’d like to explore
- Practical Ways to Plan Ahead – an introduction to three key advance care planning tools
- What next for Lambeth advance care planning consortium? – a chance to share ideas for future local activities on death and dying.
For more information
For more information about Lambeth advance care planning consortium, visit their information pages or contact Kate at Healthwatch Lambeth, tel: 020 7095 5764.
You can follow the partners on Twitter:
- Healthwatch
- Lambeth Patient Participation Group Network
- AgeUKLambeth
- Elder Abuse
- Ask Erwin
- A Good Death
- Carers Hub
- NHS Lambeth
and Facebook: