Lambeth is hosting a range of free events and workshops as part of the nationwide annual Dying Matters Awareness Week, which this year runs from May 14 -18.
Places and times
During the week there will be information stalls in local hospitals, GP practices and pharmacies, several Death Cafés, an information event about end of life care options, a theatre performance and even a meditation session. The goal is to create friendly spaces for people to discuss and ask questions about end of life care issues, such as making an advance care plan, planning a funeral or coping with bereavement.
National awareness
These events are amongst hundreds taking place across England for Dying Matters Awareness Week, which runs from May 14 -18. Lambeth advance care planning consortium is promoting the local programme, with member organisations running several of the activities. The group is using Dying Matters Awareness Week to promote the value of advance care planning. This involves recording how you would like to be cared for at the end of your life, or if you were no longer able to make or communicate your own decisions, for example if someone was unconscious after a traffic accident.
Tools for planning ahead
During the Week, the consortium will be promoting end of life care options and some key tools that people can use to record their wishes, such as advance statements, advance decisions and appointing a lasting power of attorney for health and welfare.
Feeling prepared gives peace of mind
Carol from Tulse Hill said: “My husband and I went online and did our lasting power of attorney and wills together. We were prompted by my brother who had already done it. We feel prepared. It’s best to sort it out, then you can put it to the back of your mind, knowing it’s all in order.”
For more information
- For more information about the events in Lambeth, see the advance care information pages
- For more details about Dying Matters Awareness Week events across the country see the map and information pages