The 2014-2020 Lambeth European Social Fund (ESF) Community Grants Programme launched on 19 February 2018 at We are 336 in Brixton. We are now inviting Local voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations to bid for grants to help Lambeth residents with a disability or long-term health condition to find (or maintain) work. The programme is co-financed by Lambeth and the European Social Fund. The Grants Programme will address the root causes of poverty which create barriers to work, so more people move into – or at least closer to – work.
Responding to local residents’ needs
Local voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations will deliver the ESF Community Grants Programme because they (in partnership with the Council) are best able to respond to the needs of local residents. The programme aims to fund up to four projects with up to £42,000 each, starting in July 2018.
What kind of project can get a grant?
To be eligible for a grant, projects must support Lambeth residents who are:
- long-term unemployed or economically inactive (i.e. not actively seeking work).
- 25 and older
- disabled (self-declared)
- at least 50% of the participants must be women and
- 60% of participants Black or Minority Ethnic.
- projects must run for a maximum of 18 months’ delivery, with a further three months to close the project (for some projects); and
- must not duplicate any provision available through mainstream activity.
How to apply
- You can find detailed guidance on how to apply in the London Councils website.
- Download the P1.4 Lambeth ESF Community Employment Grant Application Prospectus (PDF)
London Councils will run a workshop at Lambeth Town Hall on Tuesday 6 March to outline the funding priorities, programme eligibility and application process. Book your place via London Councils Events pages or Lambeth Council’s event pages.
For more information
Please email the London Councils Employment and Inclusion Team with any questions about the Lambeth ESF Community Grants Programme.