This year over 98.8 per cent of Lambeth parents and carers who applied to a primary school have been offered a place at one of their preference schools starting this September.
The percentage of Lambeth children who were offered their first, second or third preferences has remained the same as 2020, at over 96 per cent. The overall figures do not include pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan, as they apply through a separate process.
On the day that parents and carers across London are told which primary school their children have been offered places at, Lambeth Council revealed that offers were made to 2,579 applicants this year, 2,220 of whom were offered their first preference.
The co-ordinated school admissions process enables parents and carers to choose schools in Lambeth and in other boroughs. With so many good local schools to choose from, it is inevitable that unfortunately not all children will be able to be offered their first preference. Nevertheless, Lambeth continues to have enough reception places overall for residents to choose from.
A Lambeth Council spokesperson said: “This is always an uncertain time for families deciding on their child’s first school, but the disruption of the past year has made it an even more difficult experience.
“We’re delighted that, despite the unprecedented problems caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, our team has once again been able to offer a reception place to every child.
“We’re looking forward to seeing all these children starting school as normal, alongside their classmates, in September.”
The picture across London
Across London as a whole, 98 per cent of children due to start primary school this September have been offered a place at one of their preferred schools, according to figures published by the Pan London Admissions Board, the body with overall responsibility for co-ordinating school admissions in the capital.
London primary schools received 90,807 applications in total this year, a 7 per cent decrease compared to last year. The turbulence caused by the Covid-19 pandemic may have led to families missing the application deadline, so they will need to make a late application. There are enough school places for all London’s children but parents should apply as soon as possible.
The Board also said that application numbers may be affected by longer-term impacts of the pandemic, such as families moving out of urban areas due to changes in their circumstances and working patterns. Other important factors affecting primary applications include the decreasing birth rate – which is a national trend as well as a London one – and the localised effect of the UK leaving the EU in some areas.
This year, 87 per cent of the total number of London applicants – or 79,343 children – secured a place at their first preference school, a 2 per cent increase compared to last year.
96 percent of the total number of London applicants – 87,409 children – were offered a place at one of their top three preferred schools, a 1 per cent increase on last year.
Overall, 88,852 London children due to start primary school this September received an offer of a school place at one of their preferred schools – 98 per cent of the total number of applicants.