The neighbourhood plan will set out planning policy on issues like housing, heritage, design and open spaces. Neighbourhood planning powers were introduced to give members of the community a more hands on role in the planning of their neighbourhoods. It is a process that is led by the community and supported by the Council.
However, before a neighbourhood plan can be prepared, the neighbourhood area to which the plan will apply needs to be defined and a neighbourhood forum needs to be formally designated. The neighbourhood forum will then have responsibility for preparing the neighbourhood plan.
Lambeth Council has received a dual application from the emerging Kennington, Oval and Vauxhall neighbourhood forum for the designation of the Kennington, Oval and Vauxhall Neighbourhood Area, and the Kennington, Oval and Vauxhall Neighbourhood Forum.
View the applications on Lambeth Council’s website.
Have your say on these proposals
Lambeth are inviting comments on these applications from the 20 April to 1 June 2015.
Please let us know your views by filling in our online questionnaire.
Alternatively you may respond by:
• Emailing us your views at planningpolicy@lambeth.gov.uk or;
• Writing to us at: Neighbourhood Planning (Planning Policy), 1st Floor, Phoenix House, 10 Wandsworth Road, SW8 2LL
More information about the emerging Kennington, Oval and Vauxhall neighbourhood forum and their dual application can be found on the KOV website.
The closing date for your comments is: 1 June 2015.