Rise of the super-parents:
inspiring Lambeth’s looked-after children
Foster carers are Lambeth’s super-parents, transforming the lives of all kinds of children: teenagers, sibling groups, disabled children and sometimes unaccompanied asylum seeking children too. No matter the background of the child our foster carers are there to step-in and provide safe, nurturing homes and positive, parental guidance for the kids most in need in our borough.
Fostering children is far from easy and a massive challenge however our foster carers often say that turning a child’s life around makes any challenges well worth it. Foster carers help out, often at short-notice, for anytime between a weekend or several days to several weeks or months and receive a weekly allowance of up to £607. Some types of fostering qualify for higher allowances than others.
At present all over the country fostering placements sometimes have to be filled outside of the borough in which a child was born or brought up. In Lambeth, we don’t want to move our looked-after children any more than is necessary. We want to offer all of our looked after children the opportunity to be fostered in or as close to Lambeth as possible – so we need even more of the inspirational, positive, passionate people who make such good foster carers than ever before.
Think you have what it takes to be a super-parent?
Talk to us today for a friendly, informal and confidential chat:
- fosteringduty@lambeth.gov.uk
- 020 792 68710.
The diversity of foster carers
To be a foster carer in Lambeth you can:
- Be any age above 21
- Be single
- Be cohabiting with a spouse or partner of any gender
- Have a disability, be of any religion, race or sexual orientation
- Be at work (as long as you have the flexibility to meet all the needs of any child in your care over the years of five-years old: to foster children under school age you must be a full-time foster carer).
Find out more during Foster Care Fortnight
Foster Care Fortnight begins this week and from Monday 8 May through to Sunday 21 May events up and down the country will celebrate the amazing commitment and contribution foster carers make to our society.
Find out more about Foster Care Fortnight on the Fostering Network website.