Lambeth Cruse helps people in the borough to understand their grief and cope with the loss of loved ones.
We’re holding a free afternoon training session designed for people delivering front-line support to people living in Lambeth.
An Introduction to Bereavement Support will give you:
- An understanding of grief and factors that may impact on people’s grief
- Skills and confidence in talking about grief effectively
- Knowledge of what Lambeth Cruse offers and how your clients can access our service
- Ideas for implementing good practice for bereavement support within your organisation
To book your free place email lambeth@cruse.org.uk or telephone 020 7620 3999.
Due to demand, places will be limited to one person per organisation in the first instance.
Course details
Title: An Introduction to Bereavement Support
When: Friday 17 November 2017, 1pm-4.30pm
Where: St Andrew’s Church, Short Street, Waterloo, SE1 8LJ
Cost: Free, but places are limited so book your place now.
To find out more please visit the Cruse Bereavement Care website.