If your bike has an issue that cannot be rectified in 15 minutes they will advise you on what is wrong so you can take it to a bike shop well-informed.
The police will be at the events marking bikes and adding details to BikeRegister.com. This service will deter theft and in the event your bike is stolen, will ensure that your details are on a nationwide database so it is much more likely to be returned to you if recovered.
We will also have our fabulous HGV awareness element at all events except Stockwell. Our friendly drivers and professional cycle instructors will show you how to effectively road share with big vehicles. You will have the opportunity to come and sit in the cab of an HGV and see blind spots and the view the drivers have for yourself.
A member of the Lambeth Sustainable Travel Team will be at each event so come and say hi and find out what other great things we are doing for cyclists and potential cyclists this year.
The events take place every Wednesday from 5.30-7.30pm (weather permitting). A full list of dates and locations can be found www.lambeth.gov.uk/drbike
Or watch the video about Dr Bike directly on YouTube.