In 2020, Lambeth Council worked in partnership with the voluntary and community sector to mobilise volunteers to deliver more than 20,000 food parcels to residents across the borough. More than 30 local organisations are still supporting our community – and Lambeth still supports them.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Donatus Anyanwu, Lambeth Council Cabinet Member for the Voluntary Sector, said: “Food poverty has always been a focus for the council, and Covid-19 has made this all the more important as so many of our residents have lost their incomes, have been furloughed or are unwell. We’re committed to continue supporting and strengthening frontline organisations providing food to residents – especially during these difficult times.”
Fridge & Freezer Fund
Lambeth set up a Fridge & Freezer Fund to enable organisations to store more food for nutritionally balanced food parcels and meals. Over £15,000 has been awarded to 14 organisations since Phase One launched at the beginning of December. Phase two will be announced soon.
Food parcels
Millennium Community Services CIC said: “Thanks Lambeth is grateful for the fridge and freezer. Until now, we weren’t able to supply healthy food parcels and cooked food for Brixton’s multi-cultural community. Now we can.”
Saturday kitchen
Faith-based organisation The Sierra Leonean Adventists Abroad (SLAA) has operated in Lambeth over 20 years, supporting families through counselling and quarterly financial support. SLAA provides food parcels and a soup kitchen on Saturdays for members facing financial difficulties and homelessness. “Thanks to the Fridge & Freezer Fund we’ve been able to expand our work to prevent hunger resulting from of Covid19. We could not have benefited so many people in need.”
Hot takeaways
Ace of Clubs serve up to 150 homeless and marginalised people a hot takeaway meal five days a week. “The flow of food through our service is high. Lambeth’s Fridge and Freezer Fund let us replace some of our older freezers with new high quality and durable ones.”
More information
- For information about ongoing funding opportunities please contact the Lambeth Team at foodhubs@lambeth.gov.uk.