Thanks to Lambeth Council and Greener City Funding from Grow Back Greener, Froglife and the Streatham Common Cooperative (SCCOOP) have carried out works at Streatham Common to mitigate flooding from the River Graveney, and improve natural habitat for frogs, toads and newts.
Creating new wild habitats
A new series of linked ‘holding ponds’ – a form of Natural Flood Management (NFM) to help prevent flooding, and excessively muddy areas – improves public access to the habitat. We’ll plant native wetland species to provide essential habitat for wildlife like Toads, Newts and Frogs. In return, the amphibians soak up water and increase plant diversity.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Sonia Winifred, Lambeth Council Cabinet Member for equalities and culture, said: “Natural Flood Management is key to managing Lambeth’s beautiful, healthy and inspiring green spaces, ensuring they are accessible for everyone to reap the health benefits of the outdoors – as well as improving habitat for Lambeth’s precious wildlife”.
Updating public paths
Repeated waterlogging and heavy footfall have eroded the woodland floor, exposing oak tree roots. New fences guide people, and dogs, to a new route minimising impact on the woodland floor. This also allows plants and fungi to grow improving biodiversity and wildlife habitat. People are asked to stick to the pathways and keep dogs and children away from the ponds and young plants. This will allow nature to thrive. Local Volunteers have done much of the work with SCCoop.
More information
- Froglife, a national community conservation charity championing reptiles and amphibians also organises dementia-friendly sessions on Streatham Common – giving people living with dementia sessions in a natural habitat that can help improve their health. For more information contact victoria.peet@froglife.org or 07377970844
- Conservation volunteering is a great way to make new, like minded friends, gain and share skills and improve your health sand wellbeing. It’s looking after our health by stealth! Keeping fit and mindful while having fun and improving green spaces for the community and nature. For more information about Volunteering on Streatham Common contact SCCoop: mered.jones@sccoop.org.uk or 07767808673