SGN need 1,200 gas customers in the south-east of England (including London) to give them information about how much gas you use, and what time of day you use it, for the next two years.
They’re looking for schools and businesses as well as houses and flats, so please share this invitation.
If your home takes part in the trial
If you’d like to volunteer, apply online. If your home is chosen, you’ll receive a free carbon monoxide alarm and a £40 shopping gift voucher.
They will need to come to your home and fit a logger – you don’t need to send them your gas meter readings. The information collected from loggers will be transferred wirelessly to analysis software. The logger will take a reading every few minutes and analyse how much gas is used in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and at different times of the day.
If your school or business would like to take part, please contact the customer services team.
It doesn’t matter who residents buy their energy from, the whole of Lambeth is in the south east gas distribution zone, so can take part.
What difference can it make?
After two years, SGN plan to use the information to deliver an evolved gas service that meets the need of gas users in real time. This should help make gas supply more efficient, with a lower carbon footprint, – and more affordable.
An enhanced SGN network will be able to include new renewable technologies, such as heat pumps and solar panels and deliver gas more efficiently.
Existing evidence
SGN has already completed an Opening up the Gas Market project, which shows how varying qualities of gas can be used safely. Based on the new research, this change could be rolled out across the gas network in Britain.
Real-Time Networks will provide detailed information about our network energy content and the way people use the energy delivered.
SGN will soon be writing to residents at home to ask for volunteers. With your help the south east will lead the way in energy innovation.
- SGN were formerly known as Scottish and Southern Gas Networks
- SGN Customer Services email mailto:customer@sgn.co.uk
- Tel: 0800 912 1700.
- Find out how to protect your home from carbon monoxide
- Smell gas? Call 0800 111 999