During ‘Get Online Week’ (13-17 October) the Council will be hosting Digi-buddies sessions every day in Olive Morris House to support those taking their first steps in using a computer or getting to grips with the internet. If you know someone who could benefit from learning some online skills – whether that’s starting at the very beginning or simply learning a bit more about how they could use the internet to make life easier – bring them along to Olive Morris House for some friendly help.
Digi-buddies and council staff will be on hand to show you which council services you can access over the internet but also offer you practical tips about using the internet or a computer. You will also be able to start up your own MyLambeth account so that you can access more services online instead of calling, emailing or dropping into our customer centres.
The council recognises that we need more than one week to help people with this. Outside of Get Online Week we are:
- Supporting Digi-buddies – recruits volunteers with strong IT skills to support residents with online activities such as setting up email accounts, applying for jobs, using social networking sites, and buying goods and services
- Starting coding clubs in libraries – a fun club for children where they can learn coding and other skills while creating computer games, animations and websites
- Sheltered housing schemes – providing computer equipment to help older people who live in sheltered housing get online
For further information or to join the conversation follow us on twitter at #GOLWLambeth14 or leave a comment.