Have your say on our Age Friendly Lambeth Action Plan

11 June 2024

Written by: Lambeth Council

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Lambeth invites your views on our  Action Plan to make Lambeth an Age Friendly borough that enables people to age well and live a good later life.

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Have your say on our Age Friendly Lambeth Action Plan

Lambeth Council is launching a consultation on the draft Age Friendly Lambeth Action Plan which sets out the proposed actions we will undertake to help Lambeth become an Age Friendly borough.

Making Lambeth an Age Friendly borough

As part of our Lambeth 2030 Borough Plan, Lambeth is developing an Action Plan to support our local approach to becoming an Age Friendly borough. An Age Friendly borough is a place that enables people to age well and live a good later life.

Our draft Action Plan brings together actions to support residents above the age of 50 and focuses on key areas of community life which we know are important in supporting people to age well. These include transport, outdoor spaces and buildings, housing, social participation and inclusion, civic participation and employment, community support and health services, and communication and information.

Producing the Plan

To produce the Plan, Lambeth Council has engaged with residents and partners through focus groups, our Age Friendly Forum and last year’s Age Friendly Engagement where over 700 residents shared their views on ageing in Lambeth. To inform the Plan, we’ve also reviewed evidence base around ageing, learnt from what is working well in other Age Friendly communities in the UK and worked with colleagues across the Council.

Help shape the Plan

Ruth Hutt, Director of Public Health, said “Age Friendly Lambeth offers an important opportunity to support all of us to age well and lead healthier and active later lives. Our draft Action Plan captures actions across the eight key areas of community life which we think will help support ageing well in Lambeth. Now we’d like your views on our draft Action Plan to inform the final document and our approach over the coming years.”

To have your say or to read more about our draft Action Plan, please visit the Age Friendly Lambeth consultation webpage. The consultation opens at 09:00am Thursday 6th June and runs until the 11:59pm 10th July 2024. You can have your say by:


images courtesy of the Centre for  Ageing Better