We want your ideas on Lambeth’s proposed Site Allocations Development Plan Document (SADPD).
Delivering homes and workspaces
Lambeth’s document includes planning proposals for 13 sites across the borough, with the aims of delivering homes and workspaces, securing benefits for communities and improving the environment in Lambeth.
We’re looking for feedback from people who live and work in Lambeth and know these sites and the area and communities around them. Tell us if you think the plans for development of these meet agreed tests of ‘soundness set out in national policy, para 35.
Development plans
Once adopted theSADPD will form part of the statutory development plan for Lambeth alongside the London Plan 2021 the Lambeth Local Plan and the Southbank and Waterloo Neighbourhood Plan
See the sites
For further details on the consultation please visit the ‘Have your Say’ webpage.
Have your say
- The consultation runs for 8 weeks from 9am on Friday 8 March to 5pm on Friday 3 May 2024.
- You can share your views by completing the online survey
More information
- To make an appointment to see the planning documents, form and guidance notes at Lambeth Civic Centre, please email sadpd@lambeth.gov.uk or
- Visit any of the 10 libraries in Lambeth during normal opening hours.