Have your say on Streatham Ice and Leisure Centre

19 September 2014

Written by: Campaigns team

Focus on Streatham - Health and Wellbeing - News and announcements

Lambeth boasts some fantastic leisure centres, and with consultation on services and facilities now underway Lambeth Council wants to hear your views on the activities and services that are currently available.

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Have your say on Streatham Ice and Leisure Centre

Working in partnership with GLL (Greenwich Leisure Limited, the company commissioned to run the centre), we are asking for your feedback so we can ensure that Streatham Ice and Leisure Centre remains better for everyone.

In addition to the questionnaire, we will also be holding a series of focus groups throughout the consultation. If you would be interested in giving more detailed feedback, or you would like to take part in a group, please let us know.

The final date for submitting your views is Friday 10 October 2014.

If you have any questions or would like to give your feedback over the phone, please don’t hesitate to contact us using any of the contact details given below.

How to get involved?

Fill in our online survey here or go to our webpage for more information www.lambeth.gov.uk/streathamlcsurvey

Pick up a questionnaire from Streatham Ice and Leisure Centre

Come along to our meeting on Thursday 2 October 2014 from 7.00pm to 8.30pm at theĀ Streatham Ice and Leisure Centre – everyone is welcome!

How to contact us

Call us on freephone 0800 013 1497

Email us at acs-consultation@lambeth.gov.uk