The specially adapted bus will be deployed to different parts of the borough to provide health and wellbeing advice and support, improving access for residents near their homes.
Throughout the summer the bus will also be providing tests and vaccination facilities, while the number of cases remains high, and will be deployed in areas where vaccine uptake is lowest.
Cllr Lucy Caldicott, joint Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care, said: “We are well aware of the impact Covid-19 pandemic has had on our residents, particularly those from communities where health inequalities are greatest.
“Giving advice around Covid-19 at this time is crucial, but equally we want to make sure we reach many more residents to help them stay happy, healthy and well after what has been a very difficult year.”
Whilst the vaccine roll-out remains a priority, residents will be able to visit the bus to speak to a clinician or a Covid Wellbeing Ambassador about the vaccine and pick up testing kits.
Over 40s can also get their first dose of AstraZeneca, or second dose provided it’s been more than eight weeks.
The team on the bus will be able to give information, advice and guidance on a wide range of offers and opportunities that support health and wellbeing – from voluntary-led initiatives that combat loneliness, to benefits or housing advice, to guidance on how to quit smoking and NHS health checks.
Cllr Caldicott added: “Ultimately, we want the bus to become a place through which residents and communities can access advice and support to improve their health and wellbeing.”
For the latest information on where the bus will be based each day, visit www.lambethtogether.net/wellbeing-bus
Tell us what you’d like to see onboard
We would welcome any ideas about what information, advice or guidance you would like to see more of. Please send your suggestions to publichealth@lambeth.gov.uk and mark your email ‘Health and Wellbeing Bus ideas’.
Vaccine information and covid support
The bus provides just one of the many walk-in opportunities to get your vaccination. For up-to-date details of other walk-in clinics and who can attend, visit: www.selondonccg.nhs.uk/popupclinics. New dates and venues are being added all the time.
For up-to-date information on the Covid-19 vaccine, please visit: www.selondonccg.nhs.uk/covid19vaccine
For more information on Covid-19 in Lambeth and support available to residents please visit: www.lambeth.gov.uk/covid-19