Taking early action
Last year, Lambeth’s Health and Wellbeing Board worked with Southwark to establish the Southwark and Lambeth Early Action Commission. This was set up to find ways of taking early action at local level to prevent problems that reduce people’s quality of life and generate needs for public services
Although much wider in scope than the voluntary and community sector, some of the key recommendations of the Commission focus on the role that the VCS can play in supporting early action.
Other developments
Alongside the Early Action Commission, other developments across health and social care, and the wider wellbeing agenda, have highlighted the need for a strong voluntary and community sector, able to contribute to the changing needs of individuals and to the changing structures of service provision.
These developments include local care networks, changes in the Care Act, work to develop resourceful communities, strengthening of integrated care, and the need for preventative services.
In addition, some of the voluntary and community sector have told us about things that matter to them, including networking and knowledge sharing, sustainability, and being better linked into health and social care changes.
We know that local groups have ideas and plans that can support developments across health and wellbeing, and we want to create opportunities for that to happen.
Health and Wellbeing Forum
Given the need for improved collaboration, and in order to make best use of limited resources, we have arranged a Health and Wellbeing Forum to bring together statutory, voluntary and community sector organisations working in Lambeth. The agenda for the day will focus on opportunities for working together.
Booking arrangements
Health and Wellbeing Forum – for the voluntary and community sector in Lambeth
Date: Tuesday 23 February 2016
Time: 2.00pm-4.30pm
Location: Bolney Meadow Community Centre, 31 Bolney Street, Vauxhall, London, SW8 1EZ
If you would like to come along please either:
- Email your confirmation of attendance to Health&WellbeingBoard@lambeth.gov.uk,
- Book on EventBrite
- Phone us on 020 7926 6397
- or tweet us on @HWB_Lambeth
If you have any specific communications or access requirements, please do let us know in advance.
Hello I would like to join the Health & Well Being forum in Lambeth and contribute to local activities. Please let me know when the next forum is.
With best wishes,
Hi Kitty,
Thank you for contacting us. You are very welcome to attend the next HWB VCS Forum being planned for Thursday 16 June from 10am-12.30pm, at Lambeth College (Clapham site).
The agenda is just being finalised and the team have added you to their mailing list, so you should receive this next week.
If you would like any more information in the meantime, please email the team at Health&WellbeingBoard@lambeth.gov.uk