Healthwatch Lambeth, the independent health and social care champion, wants to hear your views at their Annual General Meeting on: Wednesday 23 September, 4.30 to 7pm, Governor’s Hall, St Thomas’ Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, SE1 7EH.
Come along and find out how Lambeth residents views and experiences have been used to improve local health and social care services. Hear about reviews of Dementia services, extra care services and healthy living pharmacies that have led to plans to combat social isolation and improve health services for adults with learning disabilities.
We want to know what really matters to you, especially around older people’s care. Your views and experiences count, so come along and share them.
There will also be an opportunity to have your say on the organisation’s plans for 2015/16, which includes improving services for young and older people, people with mental health and learning disabled adults.
Meeting ends with a free buffet. Book your place.
For more information, call 020 7274 8522 or email info@healthwatchlambeth.org.uk