National No Smoking Day is Wednesday 13 March.
Smoking is still the world’s leading cause of preventable diseases and premature deaths. In the UK alone, thousands of lives are lost each year to smoking-related illnesses.
Stopping smoking is one of the best things for your health. You are more likely to succeed by mixing and matching personal help (like motivational support from a health advisor) with NRT, prescription medication, or e-cigarettes.
There’s free support for all Lambeth smokers and options to fit your lifestyle and help you quit successfully.
Lambeth Stop Smoking Service
Smokers in at-risk groups (listed) can get free one-to-one behavioural support, Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) or vaping kits from the Lambeth Specialist Stop Smoking Service, delivered by Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust.
- Diagnosed with one or more long-term conditions, including mental illness
- Pregnant smokers and their partners
- Parents with children aged five or under
- Long-term smokers
Tel: 0800 856 3409 or 020 3049 5791; email: gst-tr.stopsmokinglambeth@nhs.n
Community Pharmacy Stop Smoking Service
Anyone in Lambeth looking to quit can access the stop smoking service via participating community pharmacies:
- Osbon Pharmacy, 143 Lambeth Walk, London SE11 6EE
- Harfleur Chemist, 219-221 Clapham Rd, London SW9 9BE
- Kingshield Pharmacy, 387 Brixton Rd, London SW9 7DE
- Philips Pharmacy, 70A Clarence Ave, London SW4 8JP
- New Park Pharmacy, 85 New Park Rd, Brixton Hill, London SW2 4ES
- Boss Pharmacy, 85 Bedford Rd, London SW4 7RD
- Day Lewis Pharmacy Streatham, 9a Gracefield Gardens, London SW16 2SZ
- Elmcourt Pharmacy, 220 Norwood Rd, Norwood, London SE27 9AQ
Participating pharmacies offer face-to-face or remote support as well as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), a vaping kit, or medication.
Stop Smoking London Helpline and Text Messaging Support
Stop Smoking London free, dedicated phone programme to help you to quit for good. Call 0300 123 1044 and ask for Stop Smoking London. Seven days per week, Monday to Fridays 9am – 8pm; Saturdays and Sundays 11am – 4pm.
You’ll be supported – for as long as you need it – by a Stop Smoking London adviser who will call you at a time that suits you best.
You can sign up for free daily motivational text messaging support to help you quit with input (tailored around popular reasons for quitting) from medical experts and successful ex-smokers
National Support
Download the NHS Quit Smoking app free from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to help you start breathing easier. The app allows you to track your progress, see how much you’re saving, and get daily support.
Call the free Smokefree National Helpline on 0300 123 1044 to speak to a trained, expert adviser. Lines open Monday – Friday 9am – 8pm; Saturday and Sunday 11am to 4pm.
More Information
A Lambeth Together priority
Smoking cessation is a high priority for our work as part of Lambeth Together, our local integrated health and care partnership. This is included in our ‘Staying Healthy Programme’ which is designed to support more people in Lambeth to maintain positive behaviours that keep them healthy. Read more about the Lambeth Together Staying Healthy Programme.