At the Repair Café, local volunteers with practical skills don’t just mend things, but focus on sharing skills and promoting communication, co-operation and community spirit.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Rezina Chowdhury, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Sustainable Lambeth and Clean Air, said: “We’re pleased to see Lambeth become part of this worldwide initiative of 2,500 repair cafés where volunteers contribute not just to decreasing waste, but learn and share skills and make a difference to the way people think about not having to be a throwaway society.”
Fixing and welcoming
Our volunteer team include people who are experts and amateurs in mending, fixing, tinkering or electrical repairs. Our war on waste also includes volunteers who help with setting up, welcoming visitors, matching repairs to fixers, serving teas and coffees, and helping clear down after sessions.
What can I bring in for repair?
Anything that you can carry. Our volunteers will look at most things –
- clothing / textiles
- musical instruments
- electrical appliances
- furniture / wooden objects
- bicycles
What will it cost me?
The Repair Café is passionate about waste prevention, so repairs are free – but we very much appreciate donations to help with the costs of spare parts, tools, refreshments, etc. You can donate online or by card.
What about spare parts?
If we can’t repair something with what’s available, volunteers will advise you what to buy and where, and try to do the repair later the same day, or the next time the Café opens.
Can I visit to see what you do?
We want to raise awareness of repairing and reusing instead of throwing away, so please come and see us.
More information
- The Repair Café Lambeth opens the first Saturday of each month 10am – 1pm at We Are 336 – but aims to benefit everyone and plans to run events in locations across Lambeth.
- Lambeth’s Repair Café is based on the Netherlands’ Repair Café Foundation – a worldwide movement aiming to reduce waste and overconsumption, fix skills obsolescence, and promote do-it-together as much as do-it-yourself. See more details online
- The Repair Café is a community interest company funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and powered by Integrate and We Are 336.