We run guided tours of the windmill and organise regular events in the park, including an annual festival and parade, a football festival, gardening workshops and artistic and music events. For full details visit www.brixtonwindmill.org/friends
In 2016 we will be celebrating Brixton Windmill’s 200th birthday. We’re currently working to see if we can get the windmill grinding flour again, so you could play your part in helping us produce Brixton flour to make Brixton bread and buns!
Ways to get involved
We rely totally on volunteers for all our activities, from organising festivals and events to fundraising, publicity and marketing.
You could find yourself doing anything from approaching potential sponsors or contacting local journalists to helping out at a stall, serving refreshments or delivering publicity leaflets.
We also need people to help maintain the mill and train as guides and stewards to lead visitors on guided tours of the mill. We provide full training and support and you get to meet a lot of new people, learn more about one of Brixton’s favourite landmarks and gain a valuable new skill.
If you have knowledge of PR, IT or fundraising, we’d be particularly interested in hearing from you, but there’s something for everyone, whatever your experience!
If you’d like more information, please email info@brixtonwindmill.org.uk and we’ll be in touch!