As you will know we recently brought the housing service back inside the council and that has given us an opportunity to test what you want to see maintained or improved. I am pleased to say that with over 2,000 responses to the survey that we did we have a good sense about what we need to do.
Firstly I want to say that we will make sure housing services keep running and that the key services will continue. However I am going to be picking up on the three themes that came out of the consultation: improving links to other services, communicating clearly and regularly and giving you more say.
The key challenges:
Improving links to other services
You want us to have a more joined up approach with other issues. The three that you have emphasised:
• health and social care
• crime and anti-social behaviour
• environment.
We will look at how we improve the way that all of these services are provided to people living in council housing or on council estates.
You want to know what is going on and you want better information about major works.
We want to make sure information is relevant to your neighbourhood and that anything that impacts you directly is communicated in good time. We also want to hear more about what matters to you.
Currently we have Area Forums, Tenants’ or Leaseholders’ Council but many of you have not heard much about them or they meet when it is not convenient. We will look at this so that we can give you better ways to tell us what is going on and what we can do better.
Giving you more control
We want to look at how we give you more control over the services you pay for. Clearly having a well-run service is a priority and not everyone has the time or interest in getting more involved but there are many of you who do want to do this and I am keen to look at how we can do this.
Next steps
I am going to work through these three issues and come back to you with how we will improve housing in this borough and make it more accountable and responsive to you.
Thank you for all of your suggestions and ideas so far, and I look forward to continuing this conversation with you. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact communications@lambeth.gov.uk
Useful contact details
Online: 24/7: https://housingmanagement.lambeth.gov.uk
Report a repair: https://housingmanagement.lambeth.gov.uk/report-a-repair
Report Anti-social behaviour (ASB): https://housingmanagement.lambeth.gov.uk/report-asb
Follow us on Twitter: @LivingLocalLDN
Call us
020 7926 6000 – Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm
020 7926 6666 – to report emergencies – outside working hours, weekends and Bank holidays
Send us an email enquiry:
North area office: HMnortharea@lambeth.gov.uk
Central area: HMcentralarea@lambeth.gov.uk
South area office: HMsoutharea@lambeth.gov.uk
Central Income Team: HMCITenquiries@lambeth.gov.uk
Home Ownership Services: HMHomeownership@lambeth.gov.uk
Freedom of Information enquiries: HMFOI@lambeth.gov.uk
Existing or new Housing Ombudsman enquiries: HMIHO@lambeth.gov.uk
Visit us
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm at:
North area office: covering North Lambeth, Stockwell and Vassall
91 Kennington Lane, SE11 4HQ. (Opens at 10am on Wednesdays)
Central area office: covering Brixton and Clapham
Greenleaf Close, Tulse Hill Estate, SW2 2HB
South area office: covering Streatham and Norwood
Lunham Road, Central Hill Estate, Upper Norwood, SE19 1AA
Central Income team: for all your rent enquiries
The Springfield Centre, 110 Union Road, Stockwell, SW8 2SH