The South London Community Against Islamophobia event will take place at the Lambeth Assembly Hall on November 26 in collaboration with Muslim Engagement and Development (MEND).
MEND is a national organisation aimed at empowering British Muslims to enter politics and the media, support local Muslim communities and combat Islamophobia.
The event will include contributions from hate crime experts and community leaders who will discuss the impacts of Islamophobia.
Cllr Sonia Winifred, Cabinet Member for Equality and Culture, said: “This is a great opportunity to highlight the contributions of members of our Muslim community in Lambeth, as well as allowing us to stand together in defiance of hate.
“In order to combat Islamophobia, as well as other hate crimes, we must come together as one borough to tackle these important issues head-on.
“I hope the event on November 26 will provide both a platform for people to talk about these issues as well as celebrate the achievements of our Muslim communities in Lambeth.”
The South London Community Against Islamophobia event takes place on November 26 from 5.30pm-7.30pm at Lambeth Assembly Hall, Acre Lane entrance, 1 Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW.
To register visit https://bit.ly/SouthLondonIAM