If your ‘New Year, New Me’ lifestyle overhaul is on temporary hold because of gym closures or not being able to meet up with your exercise support network, there’s still one thing you can focus on that delivers more than one benefit. Stopping smoking is THE number one way to meet your goals If you want to have more money and/or feel healthier. And you can get plenty of free help to do it anytime.
How to make 2021 your time to quit smoking
You can get a new guide with expert tips on planning your journey to quit, based on research into the biggest motivating factors for thousands of people who’ve been there and done it.
How to support a loved one to quit smoking
There’s also get a guide for family and friends to support and encourage smokers to stop, how to motivate positive change without nagging. It includes how they can help a smoker deal with their smoking triggers and manage the stress that nicotine cravings cause.
Willpower or working together?
Research suggests that only 3% of smokers successfully stop permanently with willpower alone. Combining different methods like nicotine replacement and helpline support, can double or even triple, your chance of quitting forever.
Advice and medication
In Lambeth you can get one-to-one support and medication from local community pharmacy or specialist services. This is currently via telephone, complying with
national guidelines on social distancing and safe practice. You can still ask for Varenicline (Champix) or NRT from your pharmacy or GP:
- Tel 0800 856 3409 or 020 3049 5791
- email gst-tr.stopsmokinglambeth@nhs.net
- visit lambeth.gov.uk/adult-social-care-and-health/your-health/stop-smoking
If getting healthy, saving money, or doing something for your family was already your New year’s Resolution – keep stopping smoking! Or start now – it’s never too late.
More information
- Find out about more tools and resources available free on the Stop Smoking London website
- Call the national helpline on 0300 123 1044, 9am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 11am to 4pm at weekends.
- Stop Smoking London is a London-wide Public Health Programme. London Smoking Cessation Transformation Programme (LSCTP)’s vision is to support London to become England’s first smoke-free by 2029.