Right now, we’re in the second week of ‘Foster Care Fortnight’, a national campaign run by the Fostering Network to raise the profile of fostering
The Fostering Team at Lambeth are, once again, supporting this informative campaign with the aim of encouraging more people to consider becoming foster carers within the borough.
Carers: needed now more than ever
According to the Fostering Network There are now more children than ever coming into care. Around 30,000 more children come into care over the course of 12 months. Around two-fifths of the children in care are aged 11 to 15, and finding people with the right skills to look after teenagers is now the top priority for fostering services.
Here in Lambeth, we’re currently seeking dozens more people to come forward to care for some of our borough’s most vulnerable children.
Do you have what it takes?
Fostering can be a very challenging, but very rewarding experience for all of those involved. In addition to the support of a dedicated team of social workers at thecouncil, as a foster carer you are also eligible for financial allowance of between £350 and £600 a week. This allowance is intended to cover expenses relating to the children in your care, such as clothing, food, household bills, school books and uniforms.
To find our more, get in touch with the team by emailing adoptionandfostering@lambeth.gov.uk