Throughout June, Lambeth’s Children & Young People’s Readers and Writers’ Festival celebrates diversity with events to mark Refugee Week, Empathy Day, Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month (GRTHM), Windrush Day, and LGBTQ+ Pride. We hope you find something you enjoy – storytelling, author talks, quizzes, workshops and much more.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Sonia Winifred, Cabinet Member for Equalities and Culture, said: “Welcome to Lambeth’s fantastic literary festival dedicated to children and young people. We have a packed programme of events to suit all tastes, whether you enjoy reading, writing, discussion, or simply sitting back and listening. Come and join us and express yourself! You’ll be amazed at the fun you can have in your local library.”
Festival events
See and book online from a packed programme including:
- Windrush
June 22 marks the anniversary of the arrival of the Empire Windrush at Tilbury Docks in 1948, bringing workers from Caribbean islands. Join Lambeth Libraries for a live quiz to commemorate Windrush Day and the birth of multiculturalism, and read ‘Coming to England’, Baroness Floella Benjamin’s true-life journey from Trinidad to the House of Lords via Windrush.
- Refugee Week
Every refugee has a story to tell and a shared experience. Dr Eiad Zinah fled from Syria in a boat with 400 others, and Tamika reads Nicola Davies’ The Day War Came – a powerful story of the journey of a child forced to become a refugee when war destroys everything she has ever known.
- Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month
Celebrate GRTHM with Saturday quiz time, Guest Storyteller Richard O’ Neill with Travellers’ Tales from his large traditional, fully nomadic Romani Gypsy family, and Lambeth Libraries reading his acclaimed ‘The Lost Homework’.
- Pride Month
Join former Carnegie Kate Greenaway judges Liz Chapman (Sheffield Libraries) and Lambeth’s Zoey Dixon for more new and upcoming LGBTQ+ interest books for children and young people.
- Book up for brilliant reads
Book up for regular empathy storytimes and a chat about the books chosen, Harry Potter ‘fans’ day, the Gruffalo’s Child, and favourites like:
- Anna Maria Hellberg Moberg reading from her fairy tale, Hug – Snow Days Eventbrite
- Ravi’s Roar by Tom Percival read by Edwin One day, Ravi lets out the angry tiger within. But who wants a growling, roaring, noisy, wild tiger who won’t share or play nicely?
- Venessa Taylor’s People’s Book Prize-winning football-themed Baller Boys series – the books boys love.
Find out what’s on
- Read, browse or download the brochure here.
- Or read the webpage and book events online.