At this year’s open day, we are focusing on the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. We will tell stories from different perspectives – from the local volunteer force to the story of the conscientious objectors.
We will look at stories of local men who died and are commemorated on the Stockwell War Memorial and the considerable contribution to the war effort made by the black community of the time. Bring the family along and help us to create a poppy chain of remembrance to pay tribute those who gave their lives in the war (2pm-4pm)
What’s on and where on Saturday 27 September
Our open day has “grown” this year – in addition to events and activities in Lambeth Archives and the nearby Michael Church, we are also in Longfield Hall. The church and the hall have both been generously made available to us by their respective management committees.
Minet Library and Lambeth Archives
11.14am and 2.15pm – Talk and tour of the building
A talk about behind the scenes work at Lambeth Archives, with a tour of the building. Places are limited, reserve your place on the day at archives enquiry desk.
2p-4pm – Chain of remembrance family event.
Help us to create a poppy chain of remembrance to pay tribute to loved ones and those who gave their lives in the First World War.
All day exhibition – Lambeth and the First World War
All day book sale – New and second-hand titles
Longfield Hall
Visit local history and amenity society stalls from across the whole borough, with displays, items for sale and local experts and campaigners.
Michael Church
A series of talks will be taking place throughout the day from 10.15am-4pm. refreshments will also be available.
Talk -Setting the Scene: Lambeth and the First World War
Len Reilly, Lambeth Archives
Time: 10.15am-10.45am
Black Poppies – Britain’s Black Community and the Great War
Stephen Bourne, historian
Time: 10.45am-11.30am
Talk- Not Kitchener’s men – The First Surreys and the Great War
Jeffery James, historian
Time: 11.45am – 12.30pm
Talk – Conscription and conscience: A view from Lambeth
Ben Copsey, Peace Pledge Union
Time: 2.15pm-3pm
Talk – Kindly inform me: First World War families in search of answers
Naomi Lourie Klein, author and historian
Time: 3.15pm-4.00pm
For more information
For full details of the Lambeth Archives Open Day please see our Lambeth Heritage Festival webpage.