Lambeth Libraries, in partnership with Spread the Word and libraries across London, announce City of Stories Home, a free creative writing and reading programme across every London Borough and the City of London between February to June 2022. City of Stories Home celebrates libraries as the place to make and share stories in our local communities.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Sonia Winifred, Lambeth Council Cabinet Member for Equalities and Culture, says: “Libraries are the centre of our communities, a place where people come together and share their lives. This amazing programme captures these stories and creates storytellers amongst us all.”
Original and commissioned stories
City of Stories Home is launched with new stories on the theme of home and top tips on writing short stories from Writers-in-Residence Natasha Brown, Amer Anwar, Jarred McGinnis and Caleb Azumah Nelson; plus stories from Lizzie Damilola Blackburn, Ruth Goldsmith, Iqbal Hussain and S. Niroshini.
Winning stories
An anthology featuring winning short stories by local writers – judged by the Writers in residence – and commissioned stories will launch in June 2022. Londoners are invited to 33 free online writing workshops in February and enter the City of Stories Home competition. The Anthology will be available for readers and reading groups in every London library service.
Lambeth creative workshop
In Lambeth, Helen Bowell will run a free online creative writing workshop on Wednesday 23 February. You can book your free place. Lambeth is also one of the five boroughs running BSL and auto-captioned workshops.
Creative writing in the heart of neighbourhoods
Caroline Rae, President of London Libraries, says: “This project will take creative writing opportunities into the heart of neighbourhoods across London. Libraries are both venues for Londoners to discover culture on their doorstep and hubs of creativity where many artists and writers begin their journey.”
More information
- See the City of Stories website. City of Stories Home’s partners include Libraries Connected and RNIB Library and is supported by Arts Council England and Cockayne Grants for the Arts.
- Spread the Word is London’s literature development agency, a charity and a National Portfolio client of Arts Council England. It is funded to help London’s writers make their mark on the page, the screen and in the world.