Residents of Lambeth were asked to nominate local individuals, groups and organisations that do amazing work in the borough. The awards aim to recognise and celebrate the incredible work that Lambeth’s community does to help others.
During the six-week nomination period Lambeth Council received over 370 nominations. From these, 57 finalists were shortlisted for 11 categories, with 12 award winners on the night.
Councillor Claire Holland, Leader of the Council, said: “In Lambeth we have an incredible business community and a passionate voluntary sector, and it was wonderful to be able to celebrate them at the Civic Awards . Everyone who was nominated cares deeply about making Lambeth the best place it can be.
I want to say a big thank you to everyone who took part in the Civic Awards this year and those who continue to work tirelessly to make Lambeth an amazing place to live in.”
Councillor Donatus Anyanwu, Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities, Leisure, and Sport, said: “I had a wonderful time at the Civic Awards. It was a brilliant night, and getting the chance to celebrate all the excellent work everyone does was really a privilege.
“Huge congratulations to the winners, runner ups and finalists for all the amazing work they do for Lambeth. I was so grateful to hear all your amazing stories and celebrate with you all.”
The award ceremony celebrated all the finalists who we are proud to announce along with the winners of each award category:
Sporting Achievement Award
Winner: St Matthew’s Project
Runner up: Jochebed Frimpong
Finalists: Hussein Hussein, Omari Hunte, Sammy McKay
Commitment to Climate Justice Award
Winner: Climate Ed
Runner up: Streatham Common Co-operative (SCCOOP)
Finalists: Claire McDonald, Herne Hill Forum, Norwood Forum
Artistic & Cultural Achievement Award
Winner: Ne Kunda Nlaba
Runner up: Ryan J. Matthews-Robinson
Finalists: Pamela Price, Henrique Sungo, The Boury Academy
Outstanding Business Award
Winner: Black Culture Market
Runner up: VAULT Festival
Finalists: Kelly-Jade Nicholls, The Platform Café, Young Creators UK (YCUK)
Safer Lambeth Award
Winner: Ecosystem Coldharbour
Runner up: BIGKID Foundation
Finalists: Lorraine Jones, Umer Khalid, Wallee McDonnell
Equity & Justice Award
Winner: Ted Brown
Runner up: Bilkis Miah
Finalists: Angie Gomez, Natasha Pencil, Tinashé Mandimika
Councillors’ Choice – Innovative Local Service Award
Winner: Twanieka Alcindor
Runner up: Jean Kerrigan
Finalists: Clifton Oddman, Dr Chi-Chi Ekhator and Hazel Turay
Lambeth Young Achiever Award
Winner: Abdoulaziz Lelo Ndambi
Runner up: Weze Antonio
Finalists: Brandon Ponce-Carvajal, Charmaine Osunde, Micah Ingram
Volunteer of the Year Award
Winner: David Dandridge
Runner up: Sita Gnanamoorthy
Finalists: Nurdin Jahar, Simon Hooberman, The JESSUP Committee Group
Lambeth Heroes: Outstanding Service to Lambeth Award
Winner: Mala Naicker
Runner up: Mary Ekenachi
Finalists: Antony George, Kirsty Oliveira, Lorraine Jones
Lambeth Excellence – Mayor’s Choice Award
Winner: Olive Branch Aid
Special Recognition Award
Winner: Itua Moses & Wyn Mowatt, 2 Brewers
Runner up: Francklin Evagle
Finalists: Autism Voice, Ebinehita Iyere and The Friends of Windmill Gardens
You can learn more about the Civic Awards at www.lambeth.gov.uk/awards