Lambeth: Celebrating His Majesty King Charles III’s Coronation

17 February 2023

Written by: Lambeth Council

News and announcements

Ahead of the Coronation ceremony for His Majesty King Charles III on Saturday 6 May at Westminster Abbey, just across the River Thames, Lambeth Council is inviting the community to hold street parties and join volunteers initiatives to mark the national celebration.

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Lambeth: Celebrating His Majesty King Charles III’s Coronation

The Coronation programme will include the procession and service at Westminster Abbey on the day as well as the ‘Coronation Big Lunch’ across the country on 7 May, with a concert taking place in Windsor in the evening, and ‘The Big Help Out’ community activity on the bank holiday, Monday 8 May.

Lambeth Council has a well-established process for street parties where road closure rules are relaxed to make holding them as easy possible and guidance has been produced to help bring neighbours together:

Cllr Claire Holland, the Leader of Lambeth Council, said: “We are delighted to be helping our residents come together to celebrate this important moment for our country. There are lots of community orientated opportunities to get involved that we are keen to share with local people.”

The Coronation Big Lunch will encourage communities to come together, celebrate their connections and get to know each other better. It will bring the Coronation festivities into the heart of every community and getting involved is available online:

The Big Help Out will provide an opportunity to reflect on the legacy of His Majesty’s service and showcase the impact of volunteering within communities. To find out more visit: