Council representatives are undertaking proactive patrols in the area with street wardens working in pairs throughout the town centre that have been out on a daily basis since October. They patrol, observe and engage – providing community reassurance and providing a visible criminal deterrent, including for drug dealers in the area.
They also act as professional witnesses where needed to incidents and provide referrals to the police where they see acts of criminality. Making criminality referrals to the Met is an important element of highlighting the scale of the issue. On average the officers make around 10 referrals a week which also helps ensures accurate police data, which is used in their resourcing.
The council has also undertaken enforcement action against illegal street traders, making 10 prosecutions for illegal street trading since October.
As part of proactive push fortnightly weapon sweeps are being carried out at various locations throughout the town centre, and resulted in three weapons having been taken off the streets. These are carried out in partnership with the local police and the locations are intelligence led, or based on complaints made locally.
In response to increasing concern about overt drug use in public spaces, Lambeth Council public health has worked with substance misuse services to develop an on street engagement team to support people with substance misuse.
The role of the team is to build relationships, better understand the needs of people who are using drugs to support them to access treatment services. The outreach workers attend locations well known to be causes of concern and talk with individuals to learn more about them, their needs and what support can be offered.
The team go out on early morning shifts and through the day, liaising with the police and other agencies to wide coverage, shared intelligence, and a joint approach to help tackle the problems faced by local communities. They are working across Brixton town centre in Windrush Square, Brixton Station, Electric Avenue and Electric Lane, Rushcroft Road, Nursery Lane and Rush Common.
A Lambeth Council spokesperson said: “We are committed to playing our role in improving community safety in Brixton town centre by providing a visible on street presence that bolsters policing in the area. We have joined discussions with residents and other partners to ensure our response to the issue reflects local needs, and are committed to engaging with the Met, residents and the local business group to make real improvements.”