Due to the ongoing Covid-19 lockdown. the first event will be held online and will comprise of an introduction to the topic and context of each of the individual locations identified in the borough by Lambeth Archives Manager, Jon Newman.
Cllr. Sonia Winifred, Cabinet Member for Equalities and Culture will then lead a discussion with Dr. Debbie Weekes-Barnard, Deputy Mayor of London for Social Integration, Social Mobility and Community Engagement and also Dawn Hill, Chair of the Black Cultural Archives.
From that point, Lambeth residents, community and heritage groups, activists and many others will be able to contribute their thoughts on the Lambeth of the past – and of today. The council will be inviting consultees to submit their own ideas and opinions about individual locations, as well as suggestions about who Lambeth should commemorate today. Through an online and print survey over the next few months, the council hopes to garner views from as wide a range of people and organisations as possible.
The event will be followed by others, to be announced in the new year.
Cllr Winifred comments: “Despite the lockdown, we want to get the conversation going about what is an important issue for Lambeth. Equality is not only about democratic rights, respect and richness in diversity: it is also about listening to the viewpoints of others, even when we disagree.
“Lambeth is a fantastic place – it’s the world in one borough. Its roots go deep, for many people and communities who have made it their home in their own way. That said, some sites in the shared space in which we live are contentious. They commemorate people who were successful, generous and civic-minded in many cases, but they also glorify individuals who caused untold suffering and pain, the effects of which are keenly felt today.
“The challenge from the Black Lives Matter movement, among many others, was and is clear: can we face our past and discuss among ourselves who we choose to name our streets after, or our public spaces? I hope as many people as possible get involved over the next few months with ideas, suggestions, comments and debate and show that Lambeth is a place that, despite many challenges, is united.”
To find out more about the process and learn more about the locations/objects/buildings listed by the researchers into Lambeth’s history, visit https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/better-fairer-lambeth/project/lambeth-united-review-into-sites-with-historic-links-to-the-slave-trade
Dr Debbie Weekes-Bernard, Deputy Mayor for Social Integration, Social Mobility and Community Engagement, said: “Lambeth is one of the most diverse boroughs in London, but it’s right that work is being carried out to ensure its landmarks suitably reflect the capital’s achievements. It is an uncomfortable truth that our nation and indeed London owes a large part of its wealth to its role in the slave trade, therefore we must question which legacies are being celebrated. I am delighted to be taking part in this important discussion with Lambeth council and its residents – it is a positive step forward in how we think about the history, culture and society in which we live.”
Dawn Hill, Chair of the Black Cultural Archives, based in Lambeth, said:
“I am proud to have lived in Lambeth – and specifically in Brixton – for 42 years. Much has changed in that time.
“It is my hope that all who live in this historic borough will engage with this consultation and I look forward to hearing your views on who or what you think should be commemorated.”
To register tickets for the event, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/review-into-sites-with-historic-links-to-the-slave-trade-hold-the-date-tickets-128737743055