Lambeth Council calls on residents to stick to Covid-19 rules

30 March 2021

Written by: Lambeth Council

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Lambeth Council has reminded residents to stick to the rules as Covid-19 restrictions begin to ease with the return of the “Rule of Six”. From Monday (March 29) the Government has relaxed rules around social contact as part of the first phase of its roadmap out of lockdown.

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It means restrictions on people from different households mixing, as well as rules organised sport, are being eased and the return of the “Rule of Six”. The following easing has been introduced:

  • Groups of up to six people from any household, as well as groups of any size from two households, can now meet outdoors.
  • Children and adults can also take part in organised outdoor sport including football, tennis and basketball.
  • Childcare and supervised outdoor activities are allowed for all children.
  • Organised parent and child groups can meet outdoors up to a maximum of 15 attendees (children under five do not count towards the total number of people).

However, it is still against the rules for groups to mix indoors and non-essential businesses such as pubs and cinemas remain closed.  Residents are still encouraged to work from home where possible and minimise travel both inside and outside the borough.

Cllr Jim Dickson, Lambeth’s joint Cabinet member for Health and Social Care, said: “Lots of our residents will be excited to be able to meet small groups of friends and family once again in our wonderful parks and open spaces.

“But we would encourage all residents to read the new rules carefully and stick to them, especially as we approach the bank holiday weekend. It means resist the temptation to invite friends or family into your home, stick to the outdoors and adhere to the Rule of Six.”

Lambeth Council has reminded residents stay vigilant in the fight against Covid-19. People should regularly wash their hands, keep 2 metres apart from others wherever possible and wear a face covering in public. Under the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown, if cases continue to fall the next set of restrictions could be lifted from April 12 including the re-opening of non-essential shops.

Cllr Dickson added: “But it is extremely important we remain vigilant to stop Covid-19 spreading and undoing all our good work over the last few months. That means staying 2m apart and wearing face coverings in public, regular handwashing and getting regular tests even if you do not have symptoms.”

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