The free Lambeth Country Show is put on annually by Lambeth Council to celebrate the best of both the city and the countryside. It has attracted crowds of more than 120,000 to Brockwell Park in Herne Hill over the weekend in previous years.
Councillor Sonia Winifred, Cabinet Member for Equalities and Culture, said: “It is bitterly disappointing not to be able to put on the physical Lambeth Country Show this year, but it is too important of a community event to cancel which is why we’re working hard to develop an exciting virtual programme.”
The revamped online Lambeth Country Show will be held on Saturday, July 17 and Sunday, July 18, 2021.
Last year the event also had to be cancelled, but at much shorter notice with the first spike of Covid-19 in March, 2020 prompting the decision. The short notice last year meant that planning a significant virtual replacement was not possible.
However this year the council has had extra planning time and made funding available to plan an online Lambeth Country Show properly. Exhibitors and performers are set to be invited to contact the organising team in the coming months about taking part.
The council will work the boroughs voluntary and community sector, as well as use expertise within the organisation, to find ways of making the online programme as accessible as possible for all in our diverse communities.
- Sign up to the mailing list for Lambeth Country Show 2021 for regular updates https://lambethcountryshow.co.uk/