A new team began work at the start of September, tasked specifically with investigating residential fly tips in the borough and fining those responsible.
Lambeth residents are infuriated by fly tipping– bulky objects like old furniture and excess rubbish bags dumped in their streets – and are helping catch those responsible by providing information and evidence through Lambeth’s online reporting system.
The council is reiterating the message that it is totally unacceptable and illegal.
Cabinet member for Environment & Sustainability, Cllr Jennifer Brathwaite, said: “These people are dumping rubbish where they shouldn’t be – ruining our environment and infuriating residents. We will simply not tolerate their behaviour.
“The majority of people in Lambeth do the right thing and they’re sick of seeing beds, building materials, radiators and black sacks full of rubbish strewn across streets – it’s a disgrace and we’re serious about dealing with it.
“A bulky waste collection service is available from the council. Residents should not simply leave old furniture out on the street; that is fly tipping and they will be fined.”
How you can help us to stop flytipping
Fly tipping dumps that are spotted by officers and contractors are investigated for evidence as to who dumped the offending waste. Officers are also acting on information and evidence provided by residents to catch those responsible.
Residents wishing to report fly tips and provide evidence, should visit www.lambeth.gov.uk/flytipping.
Find out more
If you have large items that need collecting you can arrange for a bulky waste collection.
There are also many re-use and recycling schemes around the borough, such as Emmaus who provide a free reuse collection service to give unwanted furniture and household items a new lease of life.
For more information on our Not On Our Streets campaign please visit www.lambeth.gov.uk/antisocial