Hundreds of cycles expected on two Lambeth floral rides to Lambeth Country Show
Look out for a moving garden on the streets of Lambeth as two floral rides pedal to the popular Lambeth Country Show between 11.30am and 1pm on Sunday 17 July.
Better still, decorate your bike with locally grown flowers or plants and join in one of the rides from the north or south of the borough. One ride will set off from Lower Marsh, Waterloo at 11.30am via Myatt’s Fields and Loughborough Junction to the Show at Brockwell Park. At the same time a second ride will start from the Rookery Café, Streatham Common via West Norwood and Rosendale Road.
Families are welcome on the rides which will be led and marshalled by cycling instructors from London’s largest cycle training company Cycle Confident, which has its office at the Oval in Lambeth.
Wheels for Wellbeing, the Brixton based inclusive cycling charity, is helping out too and their Community Engagement Officer, Abigail Tripp, says,
“This event has been planned so it is accessible to all, including disabled and older residents. The route is step-free throughout and we will have tandems (and pilots if needed), hand cycles, side by side companion cycles, tricycles and more available at the start points for those who have reserved one. If you are a disabled person and want to borrow a cycle please book ahead so we can be sure to bring the right cycle. Contact me abs@wheelsforwellbeing.org.uk, Text 07588 50 26 15 or phone 020 7346 8482”
Floristry students from Kennington’s vocational training charity Roots and Shoots are decorating Wheels for Wellbeing’s cycles – one of many Lambeth groups getting involved in the rides.
Lambeth Cyclists, the thousand-member group helping us arrange the ride, said:
“The Lambeth Country Show is a leading example of a large sustainable event, and cycling is already a popular and environmentally friendly way for people to travel to the Show. It’s more fun to cycle with others and a floral ride is a lovely way to brighten up the borough.”
Both the rides and Lambeth Country Show are free, and secure cycle parking is available at the show.
Find out more
For more information and to sign up for the rides see www.lambethcountryshow.co.uk/getinvolved
You can also join the conversation online on Twitter using the hashtags #LCS16 and #LambethFloralRide