This week, the Lambeth Food Flagship Team launched Lambeth Get Schools Growing (LGSG) – an exciting competition that invites schools to grow produce on school grounds, such as fruits, vegetables and herbs.
The Lambeth Food Flagship Programme supports positive health outcomes for the entire borough by encouraging residents to engage with healthy eating. Food growing is important for pupils because it can positively impact not just their health, but can also achieve significant learning skills throughout the school curriculum. The aim of the Food Flagship Schools programme is to help schools to work toward the recommendations of the government accredited School Food Plan.
The LGSG encourages schools to use food growing as part of their day to day school activity, to produce some delicious healthy food. Categories and prizes include:
- Biggest variety of fruit and vegetables – £1000 toward healthy eating resources
- Ugliest fruit or vegetable – £500 toward healthy eating resources
- Best healthy homemade dish from the produce grown – £500 toward healthy eating resources
By registering for the LGSG, schools will have access to a wealth of resources for both food growing and developing a whole-school, healthy food approach.
One-to-one support will be available from the Lead Food Flagship Schools, who are:
- Christ Church SW9 Primary School
- City Heights E-ACT Academy
- Clapham Manor Primary School
- Hitherfield Primary School
This support will cover many areas including the curriculum, cooking, food growing and teacher training. Support will be entirely based on the needs of the school, whether it be a ten minute conversation or a day’s visit to the Lead School.
There are also many resources around how to start your food growing project, which will be shared with you upon registration. Whether you have a few plant pots or a playground full of growing space, there is a chance for everyone to take part and win some prizes.
Register your school online for LGSG.
If you have any further questions or comments, please email Hannah Ashley (Food Flagship Support Officer) at hashley@lambeth.gov.uk.
If you would like to know more about the Lambeth Food Flagship Programme in general, please visit the Lambeth Council website.