Lambeth: Helping our students with their careers

30 August 2024

Written by: Lambeth Council

News and announcements

Lambeth secondary schools and colleges are teaming up with employers in a refreshed initiative to bring new career opportunities to our students.

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Lambeth: Helping our students with their careers
Career experts and employers are working with council teams, teachers and other educational leaders as part of the new Lambeth Schools Careers Network.
The network will meet each term to help secondary schools and colleges develop inspiring career programs, with support from council teams, including Lambeth Made.
The first meeting was held at The Imperial War Museum on 25 June, with teachers from 18 schools attending. All schools continue to receive support, including student work experience, apprenticeships, and training for teachers.

Councillor Ben Kind, Lambeth’s Cabinet Member for Children and Families, said: “Ensuring our young people have a strong start in their careers is at the heart of what we do. The progress we’ve made in reducing the number of young people not in education, employment, or training is a testament to our commitment, but we won’t stop there.

“This new network is a game-changer. It equips our school leaders with the tools and insights they need to open up new opportunities and pathways for our young people. It’s all part of our vision to make Lambeth one of the best places in the country to grow up, learn, and succeed.”

To find out more about the Lambeth Schools Careers Network, email