Lambeth’s first-ever free Ageing Well Festival celebrates the council’s commitment to becoming an Age-Friendly Borough.
The festival will commemorate International Day of Older Persons 2023 and celebrate the valuable contribution older people have made – and are still making –- to the borough. It will be a fun and social day with workshops, food, information and advice stalls and more, tailored to residents aged 50 and older. It will also be a chance to hear community feedback about Lambeth as a place to age from hundreds of residents via the recent survey.
Lambeth 2030
The Lambeth 2030 Borough Plan sets out the council’s and communities’ shared ambitions for becoming a “lifelong” borough, the best possible place both to grow up and to age well in. We want to make sure as people get older in Lambeth, they can continue to stay healthy, happy and be as active as they want to.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Marcia Cameron, Lambeth Cabinet Member for Healthier Communities, said: “Today’s older people represent the generations who helped shape Lambeth into the place it is today. We are delighted to invite them to Lambeth’s first Ageing Well Festival to celebrate our journey towards a place that allows all residents to age well.
“This community event will have something for everyone, with activities, workshops, and stalls from Lambeth services and community providers. We all have a part to play in making Lambeth a more age-friendly community.”
Come to the Ageing Well Festival
Lambeth’s first Ageing Well celebration event is at the Kia Oval 11am to 3pm on 30 September to commemorate International Day of Older Persons. This is a free drop-in event, no ticket needed.
Local approach
As members of the UK Network of Age Friendly Communities, Lambeth Council is working with residents and key partners to develop a local approach to becoming an age-friendly borough.
Lambeth’s aims to become an Age-Friendly borough will build on the World Health Organisation’s Age Friendly Cities framework – creating social and built environments that promote healthy and active later lives for all.
More information
- More about Age Friendly Communities
- More about United Nations’ International Day of Older Persons
- More about Lambeth 2030 and plans for the future of the borough
- More about Age UK Lambeth
Getting to the event
How to get to the Oval (Alec Stewart Gate) Harleyford Road, The Oval Cricket Ground, SE11 5SS:
- Buses: Buses numbers 36, 185 and 436 stop on Harleyford Road near the Alec Stewart Gate. These buses also stop at Oval and Vauxhall Stations.
- Underground: Oval Station (Northern Line)
Turn left out of the station and cross at the traffic lights. Walk left down Harleyford Road with the wall of the Oval Cricket Ground is on your right hand side. The gate will be on your right. (Buses 36, 155, 185, 333, 436 stop near the station)
- Vauxhall Station (Victoria Line and Overground Trains)
Leave the station and walk through the pedestrian tunnel towards Kennington. Cross at the traffic lights and walk down Harleyford Road to your right. As you walk down the road you will see the Kia Oval on your left and the Alec Stewart Gate is on the corner. (Buses: 2, 36, 77, 87, 88, 156, 196, 185, 344, 360, 436 stop at the station).