In the letter, written by Cllr Sonia Winifred, Lambeth’s Cabinet member for Equalities and Culture, she said: “I feel it is important to make sure that Government ministers and planners look carefully and quickly at the plight of those Afghans who identify as LGBTQ+.
“Now that the Taliban are in charge, LGBTQ+ people live in utter fear of a return to the Taliban’s policy of carrying out the death penalty for simply being who they are. It is clear that the environment for LGBTQ+ people in Afghanistan is harsher at present than almost anywhere else in the world.
“The UK Government must prioritise the needs and human rights of LGBTQ+ people that have been evacuated or have found safe passage out of Afghanistan, and ensure that once here, suitable support, counselling and advice is provided in the UK for them.”
Read the full text below:
Letter 01 09 2021