The Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan is a key part of Lambeth Council’s policy framework to develop the opportunities in the borough over the coming years.
If adopted by the council, the plan would contribute to the implementation of the Borough Plan and would form the basis for how planning decisions are made. The Local Plan sets out the vision, spatial strategy and policies for growth and investment whilst supporting the principles of sustainable development. It is used to make decisions on planning applications.
Lambeth Council submitted the plan to for examination in May last year and the report was received at the end of July. It concluded the Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan, with a number of modifications which were consulted on in February and March 2021, meets the criteria for ‘soundness’ and all the relevant legal requirements.
Cllr Matthew Bennett, Lambeth’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Planning, Investment & New Homes, said: “The successful outcome of the examination is a positive step for Lambeth and its residents. The council now has a fully updated set of planning policies, which we believe will drive sustainable and inclusive growth over the years ahead.
“We want to make sure the views of residents are listened to while ensuring the borough gets the best outcomes from development partners.”
The report confirmed Lambeth has a five-year housing and land supply, including sufficient space to deliver Lambeth’s target of 1,335 net new homes every year for five years. Implementing the revised Lambeth Local Plan will put the council in a stronger position when increasing housing supply, delivering more affordable housing and employment space – including securing affordable workspace.
Long-term strategy
The plan will also be central in Lambeth Council’s plans for regeneration as well as how it can encourage investment, deliver infrastructure projects, and achieve highest quality in design and conservation of the built environment.
It will also underpin Lambeth Council’s long-term climate strategy as it works to reduce carbon emissions from new development across the borough. Lambeth Council will consider whether to adopt the revised Lambeth Local Plan in September 2021.
The Inspector’s Report can be viewed online, and physical copies can be viewed at any Lambeth library and the Lambeth Civic Centre (by appointment) until February 2022. An appointment can be made to view the Inspector’s Report at the Civic Centre by contacting: planningpolicy@lambeth.gov.uk